Posts Tagged ‘blogging


For you want-to-lose-weight types

My great blogfriends Kim and Laura have set up a great new blog based on shared experiences of folk who want to lose weight, get fitter, improve their diet and generally have a bitch about how hard it is to do all of these things!

I am lucky enough to have been invited to be one of the co-authors on this new blog, and it’s very exciting! Well, technically I think I might have kind of forced them to let me be one of the co-authors, but we’ll gloss over that for now… 😉

So, if you’re interested in that kind of thing, head on over and check us out! There are seven authors, all with very different perspectives, and all with very different objectives. There’s a lot to learn from everyone!

I’m honoured and excited to be taking part! Go, us! Woot!!! 😀


My WordPress ID

So, since what has now become known amongst my friends as “the Drennan’s review debacle”, I’ve realised how ridiculously naive I was about blogging before I started.

I never had any idea that anyone except for a few of my friends would ever read that review, and can’t believe the amount of interest and reads per day it generates, even now. I think to date about 3000 people have read that particular post of mine, and obviously not everyone liked what I had to say.

OK- so lesson learned- don’t write anything in the public domain unless you have a thick skin! Which, I have discovered, is not me- mine is apparently painfully thin. Two people got very personal for reasons that I still don’t understand, and don’t think I ever will. Water under the bridge- they are complete losers and not worthy of my thought. I certainly shouldn’t let them upset me (even though I can’t help it!!)

However since then, I have noticed that a LOT of people are finding my blog by using the search “suzy2110”. I am very uncomfortable with this because I feel like I am being stalked. I’ve actually come to very much regret using this ID when I started my blog- once again with the major naivete- as I was using that ID in a couple of other internet facilities and have had to shut these down. I have also tightened security on other areas of my online life because I don’t feel safe with it any more.


However- I wonder if I am overreacting. Maybe it’s just friends of mine who use this search. Can anyone own up please? It would give me peace of mind.

And if you are searching on my user ID because of the Drennan’s review- WHY???


What’s in a name?

I’ve only just started blogging, so it’s all new and strange, and I find myself fixated on how people have come to find my little page here. Yes, I have a strong obsessive-compulsive streak! 😀

For people who don’t know me, the search that seems to bring most people here is the name of my oldest son, Ricky. I find this really interesting! I’d love to know why people are searching on that particular name and then viewing my blog. Are you looking for Ricky Wilson of the Kaiser Chiefs? Ricky Gervais? Ricky Hatton? Or (even worse) Ricky Martin?!! If you’re reading this because of a search you’ve done on Ricky, please take the time to comment on what you’re searching for! (Or is this a blogging faux pas, I’m never sure!)

Just to put the record straight, my Ricky is not named after any of the above, though I have a massive soft spot for Ricky Wilson! His given name is Richard Graham, Richard for Ian’s grandfather, and Graham for my own Dad.

Makes me laugh even more when I notice noone searches by “Robbie”, my younger son’s name(who, incidentally is also named after a grandparent and my brother!). How Robbie Williams has fallen from grace!!! 😀

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May 2024

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copingwithchaosblog AT gmail DOT com