Posts Tagged ‘plans


Well that’s Christmas for another year!

Ian has taken the boys out for a bit so I thought I’d quickly jump on and post!

We had a lovely restful Christmas at my Dad’s. The meal was gorgeous, the kids really enjoyed their day and got spoiled rotten. I’ve been very tired from my chemo but apart from that am doing fine, so all things considered, it was a great Christmas!

I am SO bloated from the chemo- it’s horrendous. Even my face is all puffy. I kept having dreams the other night that everyone was calling me “Pig Woman” behind my back- this may have some basis in truth… ๐Ÿ˜›

I am very excited to have my last round of chemo on 13th January. I so want to put it behind me. The water weight should come off pretty quickly from what they are telling me, maybe six weeks or so, and I’m going to start a new regime after that. We’ll see!

I have a month of radiotherapy still to do as well, but hopefully by Easter will be able to put this madness behind me.

I really feel like the coming year is full of hope for a better future. I have big plans to score some of my items off my “to do before I die” list- we’re already planning a family trip to Rathlin Island on the north coast for early summer. I plan to live it large in 2009.

Pig Woman can feck off- she isn’t me. ๐Ÿ˜€

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Here’s to wonderful things for all of us in 2009!


More random musings

My brain is a little pickled at the moment, so I hope you will forgive another very random post today.

– I now have conjunctivitis in one eye. It doesn’t hurt, but looks nasty. This now means that I have a huge bright red eye in addition to the whole baldness and overweight thing. I so hot I SMOKIN’!!!!! Seriously boys, form an orderly queue. ๐Ÿ˜›

– I can’t stop confusing my three year old son. We were talking about the chemo yesterday and he is a little confused as to why the medicine is making me so sick, when, of course, he thinks medicine should make you feel better. I ended up using some kind of long and convoluted analogy involving the strong medicine being a bit like the police, hunting down the bad cells and kicking their ass. And that, regrettably, the police-medicine was indiscriminate and was kicking Mummy’s ass too. So, to sum up, it was nothing like the police but that everyone’s ass had been well and truly kicked. Or something.

– Chemo drugs- BAAAAAAAD. I’m sick of being sick, and feeling depressed for the first ten days. Seriously, when the depression lifts, you feel positively euphoric, kind of to the point of manic-ness. I feel better at the moment. Therefore, will be having some white wine tonight when the kids go to bed. Totally legal, shop bought drugs- GOOOOOOOOD. ๐Ÿ˜€

– Ian and I were talking last night and are wondering if we can persuade someone, anyone, to look after the kids for a night once my treatment is over so we can go to the house in Donegal, have a lovely meal in one of our favourite reastaurants, The Mill in Dunfanaghy, and get mildly pissed in a stunning setting. Any takers? I am willing to ship the pair of them to the States.

– Ian has booked the whole of December off as he had a lot of annual leave to take. Ian has been wonderful since my diagnosis, but one man can only do so much, and he needs the break more than anyone I know. So, send him some positive vibes for a good holiday, plenty of rest and (ahem) the strength to finish installing our new (YEAR OLD NOW) kitchen… ๐Ÿ˜€

Right, enough deranged rambling for now. I am supposed to be working! May your day be filled with good things!

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