Posts Tagged ‘chicken recipe


Tarragon Chicken

Here’s my recipe for tarragon chicken. I like it served with steamed baby potatoes, or a nice variety like Anya, as in my picture. The picture is even worse than usual- sometimes I think my photography is getting worse with every passing day!

This is a really delicious supper dish which tastes quite luxurious. It would be lovely over rice as well.

Serves 2-4, depending on how hungry/greedy you are!!

500g/2 cups chicken breasts (about 3 large/4 small), cut into 1 inch cubes

25g butter

1 dsp olive oil

1 medium onion, chopped

3 cloves garlic, finely chopped

2tbsp fresh tarragon, chopped (dried will not do)

100g mushrooms, sliced

1 glass dry white wine

100ml cream

100ml chicken stock

salt and pepper to season


          Melt butter in a non stick pan with the oil. Add the chicken and onion, and cook over a medium heat for around 5-6 minutes, until the chicken is cooked on all sides, stirring from time to time.

          Add garlic and mushrooms  and cook for one minute

          Add the wine and stock. Season with pepper. Simmer for around 10-15 minutes until fairly well reduced.

          Turn off the heat. Add the cream and tarragon, and stir well to combine. Season if required with salt, though I didn’t find I needed to, because of the stock. Serve immediately.




Chicken with Roasted Vegetables- Low Fat!

Bizarrely, it was my skinny husband who came up with this recipe. It’s dead easy, made in one pan and tastes amazing.

If you’re on a diet but noone else in your house is- like me- this is a winner, because you could simply cook some potatoes or rice for the other guys, and give them some cheese to go over it, whilst keeping everything low fat and low calorie for yourself.

The smell of this cooking is enough to send anyone to distraction! It’s gorgeous, full of colour and flavour, and you get a lot of food for the calorie count!

Also, I’ve given recipe amounts so that it will serve two, but it will easily adjust up or down as you wish.

Chicken With Roasted Vegetables- serves 2

2 chicken breasts

1 large red pepper

1 large yellow pepper

250g/punnet of closed cap mushrooms

2 medium sized courgettes (zucchini)

1 red onion

3-4 garlic cloves, left whole in their skins

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tbsp fresh herbs (or 1-2 tsp dried if that’s all you have)- eg rosemary, thyme, coriander etc

salt and pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 180C. Place chicken breasts in an ovenproof casserole or pyrex dish

2. Cut the peppers and red onion into 1-2 inch chunks. If the mushrooms are large, halve or quarter them. Cut the courgettes into slices about 1/2 inch thick. Put in a bowl with the oil and herbs, plus some seasoning if you want it. Mix together well so that the oil coats the mixture. It’s amazing how far such a small amount of oil will go!

3. Arrange the vegetable mix over the chicken, preferably so that it is completely covered. Tuck the garlic cloves in around the dish.

4. Bake in oven for approx. 30-35 minutes, until the edges of the peppers are looking a little charred.

Calorie count per serving- only 255! 🙂

That’s it- dead easy! Enjoy!

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